Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline (external site) is a counselling service for children and young people aged 5 to 25. You can call Kids Helpline on 1300 55 1800.
The website has information on:
- cyberbullying
- exam stress
- family breakups
- fights with friends
- peer pressure
- risky behaviours
- taking risks.
headspace (external site) helps young people aged 12 to 25 who are going through a tough time, providing support for problems such as:
- anxiety
- alcohol and drugs
- bipolar disorder
- body image
- bullying
- depression
- eating disorders
- friendship
- grief
- medications
- psychosis
- relationship breakups
- self-harm
- sexuality and gender identity
- sexting
- trauma.
Itsallright (external site) shares the diaries of 4 teenagers, based on real stories, as they deal with the challenge of living with mental illness in their family.
The site provides information and a referral service on mental illness, including:
- anxiety disorders
- cyberbullying
- depression
- schizophrenia. (external site) helps young people under 25 find motivation to get through the really tough times and helps young people explore topics, such as:
- adoption
- bipolar disorder
- body dismorphic disorder (BDD)
- bullying
- child abuse
- eating disorders
- loss and grief
- mental fitness
- mental health
- obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- personal identity
- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- relationships
- resilience
- self-harm
- sex and gender
- sleep problems
- social skills
- stress.
youth beyondblue
youth beyondblue (external site) has a specific focus on young people aged 12 to 25 years.
It also includes ways friends and family can support a young person going through a hard time.
The site contains information on a range of topics, including:
- attention defecit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- alcohol and drug use
- anxiety
- bullying and cyberbullying
- depression
- eating disorders
- family breakups
- gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex
- loss and grief
- medications
- self-harm
- sleep problems
- stress
- suicide.
You need to register to use this site. Registration is free and users create their own username and password.
e-couch (external site) is a self-help interactive program which provides information about emotional problems.
Through exploring topics you can find information and tips to deal with issues, such like:
- depression
- anxiety and worry
- social anxiety.
Orygen Youth Health
Orygen Youth Health (OYH) (external site) is a Melbourne-based mental health organisation for people aged 15 to 25.
Fact sheets (external site) are available on a range of topics, including:
- anxiety
- borderline personality disorder (BPD)
- depression
- eating disorders
- medications
- self-harm.
Child and Youth Health
Child and Youth Health (external site) is part of the Women's and Children's Health Network in South Australia and provides information on:
- adoption
- anxiety and worrying
- bullying
- family conflict
- feeling lonely
- healthy mind
- kids health
- teen health
- relationships
- society and you
- starting high school.
Bursting the Bubble
Bursting the Bubble (external site) has information on how teenagers can identify violence and abuse within the family, and what can be done to help.
- child abuse
- domestic violence
- sexual abuse.