Men – relationships and parenting
Sometimes your relationship might need some extra help and support to thrive or to getover a bump in the road. If a relationship has broken down, changes to family life, living arrangements and access to children can be challenging. Help is out there.
“When we busted up, I sorta lost the plot for a while, had nowhere to stay – in fact no one would put me up as I was just such a lost cause. Drinking and drugging, on such a downer, I was a mess. They put me onto some accommodation support and other assistance. I’m slowly getting there now.” – Ross, 32
Fathers and mentoring
Children blossom with good parenting from happy parents, but it’s not always that simple or easy.
There are services that can help with parenting and relationship skills, as well as separation and blended family issues.
Find services
Visit MAN – healthier directions for males (external site) to access a copy of the Blokes’ Book, a directory of services which can help you across a broad range of health and wellbeing areas.
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MAN – healthier directions for males
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